Friday, November 23, 2012

Elizabeth Caty Stanton

        As inconvenient as it may sound, there is no real form of democracy that can appease a whole entire population, often it is the opinion of the majority that matters. So one can imagine how difficult it may be when a democracy is based entirely on the rights of men, white men to be exact. It makes perfect sense, the constitutional convention was written by pure aristocratic males, but woman such as I, Elizabeth Cady Stanton dared to defy this patriarchal legacy. How would the country develop if woman actually had an equal amount of political authority as men? Not only did I ask this question, she described the result in A Declaration of Sentiments, an alteration to the Declaration of Independence. Luckily I was not alone, there was about 32 men who had volunteered to sign the document, and while their support of the suffragist system might be difficult to believe, it is true. Through this document, I proved the function of government and the ability we do have as citizens to change a society and government that we do not feel represent us. I Stanton was able to share her ideals with those who agreed with me, and with my suffragist supporters, they developed a movement that would slowly achieve success. The biggest issues that existed at the time were the abolitionist movements, the suffragist movement, and the temperance movement, all of which I involved myself in. In the end, it was obvious that there were changes that needed to be done for a country that needed to represent every human being.

         Government can change, I truly do believe that this is the truth. One roar may be a little quiet, but the numerous roars of an ignored population can make a difference, the only thing government needs is to be able to hear. As soon as the American government realizes how important our pleas are, they can and will make a change that is available. Government is not like human nature, if anything it does not go hand in hand at all. Human nature is not partial to any kind of moral stand point, it can not be good or bad, I believe that a human nature is based on the purely the need to survive. I do not believe that government can change the way people think immediately, it is a process that takes many generation to form itself completely. Believe me, if my hopes of changing the constitution were to be achieved, there would be plenty of angry people. The only way to change human behavior and society itself is to stand up and take a stand, waiting or be silent only solidifies the backward beliefs of others. What makes a good society is not one where everyone is satisfied, but rather the ability to see these flaws and make a change.

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