Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thurgood Marshall Memo "Saving the Race"

Author: Thurgood Marshall
Place and Time:November 17, 1941, NAACP Headquarters
Prior Knowledge: Before his nomination to the Court, Thurgood Marshall was the executive director and counsel for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Legal Defense and Educational Fund.
Audience: Members of the NAACP's Legal Department
Reason: In this 1941 memo to the NAACP legal staff, Marshall discusses a voting rights case in Texas.
The Main Idea: He wanted to find a case that would help end segregation and deem it unconstitutional and unjust.
Significance: Thurgood Marshall was later credited for ending segregation in the South with the Ruling of Brown vs. The Board of Education.

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