Sunday, March 17, 2013


This is what I believe in as an advocate of pro-choice: Celibacy and abstinence ; Contraception use ; Emergency contraception use ; Abortion, for the first two trimesters of pregnancy ; and Childbirth. It's an individual's body, and as long as they do not hurt any one else in the process,than there should be no reason as to why they can stop them. It's a theory called autonomy, only I can control what I do to myself. Forcing a person to not get an abortion violates their rights and is unconstitutional. Most people believe that being pro-choice means we think abortion, contraceptives, and even assisted suicide is a good thing to do. It most definitely is not, and if person is to consider those options, they should thoroughly think about it and make sure that they aware about how permanent, serious, and painful it can be. But if at the end, a person decides they want to go through with an abortion, I feel no should have the power to stop them. In China, overpopulation has led the government to mandate abortion when they feel it is necessary, I completely disagree with this practice because it impedes a person's autonomy. Pro-choice is more about the right to make our own choices than it is the practices it entails.

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